Tiffin, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about the demographics of Tiffin City, Ohio, keep reading. This article will show you how many people live in the city and what their ancestry is. The population of Tiffin is a mix of white and non-white residents. The majority of people identify as white, while about one percent identify as African-American or Hispanic. A mere 2.6% identify as other races or ethnicities. The census data compiled on Tiffin is based on the most recent available data.

The median annual household income of Tiffin is $43,395 per year. The median household income for the city is $51,318 for people in their thirties and forties, while the median household income is $43,261 for those in their fifties and sixties. The city's average annual income per person is $55,000. Eighty percent of residents have a high school diploma, while one-tenth of the population earns at least a Bachelor's degree.

The median age of all citizens in Tiffin, OH was 37.2 years old, while those born in other countries were younger. While the median age of citizens in Tiffin is getting older, the percentage of foreign-born residents is low compared to the rest of the country. The most common foreign-born citizenship in Tiffin is India. Second in line is Mexico. Finally, 1.47% of the residents of the city are military and veterans.