Tuscarawas, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you are looking for the population and steets of Tuscarawas City, Ohio, or you are just curious about the location, this article will give you all the details you need. The county seat is in New Philadelphia, which has a population of 93,263 people. The time zone is Eastern Daylight Time, which is five hours behind Coordinated Universal Time.

When searching for information on the Tuscarawas, OH ZIP code, keep in mind that many people prefer the city of New Philadelphia, Ohio. That is because the USPS designates the city's ZIP code as Tuscarawas. Locals, however, often refer to the town as Tuscarawas. While there are several ways to lookup the Tuscarawas ZIP code, it is easy to do so using the following method.

The US Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds to determine the poverty level. These thresholds vary according to race, gender, and family composition. Families earning less than these thresholds are considered impoverished. Tuscarawas City has a higher percentage of White people than Hispanic or Asian workers. In Tuscarawas County, OH, the most common race or ethnicity living below the poverty line is White people, followed by Hispanic or Asian workers. Two or More people make up the rest of the population.

The population in Tuscarawas City is diverse. There are 373 households with children under the age of 18. Forty-one percent of households were married couples. Another nine percent of households had a female householder living alone. Twenty-seven percent were non-families. Twenty-seven percent of all households were individual-owned. Thirteen percent of households were senior citizens living alone. The median age of the town is 39.