Wakeman, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This section will provide you with important information on the Population & Steets in Wakemann City, Ohio. The following table shows the racial and ethnic makeup of this city. You'll learn the percentage of people in each race and ethnicity living below the poverty level in Wakeman, OH. The most common sectors are Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade.

The median household income in Wakeman, OH is $51,369 per person. The median property value is $126,000, and 74.5% of Wakeman residents own their homes. Residents commute by car, and the average trip to work takes 27.2 minutes. There are approximately 1.006k people living in Wakeman. The median age is 47.3 years old. The median home price is $126,000, and the average home value is $26,000.