Willoughby Hills, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Willoughby Hills City? The city is in Ohio, USA. The population of this Ohio suburb is composed of approximately 6.52k White citizens, 1.98k Black or African American residents, and 618 Asian residents. The total income of all members of a family must fall below a certain amount in order to be considered poor, and every individual within the household must be low-income to qualify.

The first permanent settler in Willoughby was David Abbott, who operated a gristmill. His family had strong ties to the local tribe of Erie Indians. Although the location of this settlement is questionable, some historians believe it was founded on the Chagrin River. As a result, the name Willoughby originated from the tribe of Erie Indians who lived nearby.

The median income of people in Willoughby Hills City is $59,328, with 84.6% of residents driving alone to work. Another 7.62% of people carpooled. The remaining 6.22% worked from home. The chart below shows the number of households who used each type of transportation over time. The chart also includes the distribution of households by vehicle ownership. The median household has one car.

The median age of residents in Willoughby Hills City was 43.6 years. Twenty-one percent of the population was under 18, and 7.5% was between 18 and 24 years old. The next highest age group was 65 and older. There are also several groups of people with different race and ethnicity living in the city. The median household size in this city is 2.17 persons. This means that the median household size is about the same as the average in the neighboring city.