Alex, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is a brief overview of the Population & Steets of Alexander City, Alabama. In 2019 the average age of residents of Alexander City, AL was 40.2 years. This figure includes both native-born residents and foreign-born residents. Compared to the average age of Alabama residents, foreign-born residents were older. The most common countries of birth were Mexico, Guatemala, and India.

The most common means of transportation among residents of Alexander City, AL is a car, walking, and bus or trolley bus. According to the most recent census, 5,445 residents commute by car, while 17 people commute by foot, and nine use public transportation. Demographic data comes from the US Census Bureau and is not guaranteed to be accurate. To view more detailed demographic information, check out the Alexander City, AL community profile.

In Alexander City, AL, the median household income is $38,328. This is significantly lower than the median household income of $65,712 in the United States. This figure represents a 16.1% annual change. The average home price in Alexander City, AL is $41,004.