The following information provides detailed information on the Population & Steets of Arnett City, OK. The most common racial or ethnic groups living below the poverty line are White, Two or More, and Black. These groups are broken down by their respective percentages of occupied housing units, which is a significant indicator of the socioeconomic status of a community. The state's median house value is much lower than the national average, while the number of foreign-born residents and the percentage of unemployed residents is significantly lower than the national average.
The population of Arnett is 481 people, which makes it the 12th largest city in Oklahoma. The gender makeup is roughly equal, with 44.7% men and 55.3% females. The median age is 37.0 years, and there are 219 males and 262 females in the town. The city is also home to a single registered sex offender. The city is near the state average in terms of sex offender rates, with 0.2% of the population identifying as Hispanic.
The median annual income of Arnett, OK is $39.861; this is lower than the U.S. median of $65,712. The median yearly income of Arnett residents is also lower than that of its parent and neighboring geographies. Arnett's highest paying industry is Mining, followed by Educational Services. The area's largest industries are: Agriculture, Transportation & Warehousing, and Educational Services.