Cache, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning more about the Population & Steets in Cage City? If so, you've come to the right place. In this article, you will learn more about the people and the stats that make this city special. You'll also get to know how the average person in Cache, OK spends their day. You'll be able to find out how many people live in the city and what their job responsibilities are.

The median age of all people in Cache, OK is 34.1 years. The average household income is $65,147. The city's population is expected to grow by 0.44% per year. The median household income is $69,523, and the median home value is $133,000 - up 0.89% since the 2010 census. The city has a population of both white and non-Hispanic people. The median age of the population is 34.1 years, with a majority of residents being white. The city is home to approximately 10% of the population who is foreign-born.

The Census Bureau reports that there are a total of 1,376 households in Cache, OK. The numbers are divided into three categories: under-eighteen, 18-24, and 25-64. Twenty-one percent of residents are 65-plus years of age. The median age is 33.2 years. The Census Bureau projects that domestic outbound trade will increase by 1% in Cache City over the next decade.