Canute, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Canute City is located in the state of Oklahoma. The median household income is $42,250. It has a population of 390 people and is located 98 miles away from the Oklahoma state capital, Oklahoma City. The median age in Canute City is 33.5 years. The median property value is $160,000. The median age is 21 years in Canute City. The median household income in Canute is $32,321 per person.

The median household income in Canute is $42,500. This is lower than the national average and the median income in nearby ZIP codes. In Canute, residents earn less than in other parts of the city. The median home price is $79,200. Over the last 10 years, homes in Canute have appreciated by 3.7%. For more information, contact the city's Economic Development Department. Here are some things to consider about Canute.

The town was established in the early 1900s on the Rock Island Railroad. As a result, it grew as an important stop on U.S. Route 66. A large population of tourists visited the town. However, in the 1970s, Interstate 40 bypassed the town to the north and Canute lost its economic impact. The Clinton-Sherman Air Force base also affected Canute City's economy.

The USPS's population estimation for Canute was 522 as of the 2010 census. The area's population has decreased by 3.51% and by 0.38% since the 2000 census. Canute also has 1 bank branch. First State Bank is the most popular bank in Canute. The zip code of Canute is 580. In addition to the USPS, there is a bank in the town.