Cement, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You're interested in the Population & Steets of Cement City. The city has an average of around 7,000 people. You can learn more about the area's economy by looking at the local unemployment rate. The average monthly rent in Cement City is $694. And, the average household has an active broadband Internet connection. If you're ready to make Cement City your new home, you'll want to check out some of these other statistics.

The population of Cement City is composed of a mix of people. Approximately 61% of people in the city are white and 12.3% are Black or African American. Another 2.6% are Hispanic or Latino and 17.8% identify as other. About 6.9% of the adult population in Cement City is classified as being of European ancestry. Compared to the rest of Michigan, Portuguese and Austrian citizens have higher percentages than the others.

The population of Cement City, Michigan is approximately 427 people, which makes it the 1410th largest city in the United States. It has a median home value of $168,400 and a household size of 2.59 people. The estimated growth rate is 3.4% from the 2010 census. The city spans over one mile, with a population density of 479 people per square mile. You can learn more about the local economy of Cement City, Michigan by looking at the statistics.