You can learn more about the demographics of the city by viewing the Population & Steets in Clarermore City. The population of Claremore is spread across three categories: those who commute by car, those who commute by bicycle, and those who live alone. Data is gathered from the most recent American Community Survey. This data is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. In some areas, there may be fewer people than in others, and some neighborhoods may be safer than others.
The economic status of Claremore City is diversified. It is a large intersection of highways, including Interstate 44, to its southeast, State Highway 66, and State Highway 20. The city is also a major railroad hub, with two major national railroad lines crossing the city. Both Union Pacific and BNSF own railroads in Claremore. This has led to a discussion among town officials about how to improve traffic flow.
The population of Claremore is approximately 19,580, making it the county seat of Rogers County. It is part of the Tulsa Metropolitan Area and is also home to Rogers State University. The city is known as the birthplace of Will Rogers, who famously starred in the "Full House" TV series. A museum dedicated to Rogers' life and career is also located in Claremore. The city also offers a variety of recreation opportunities, including fishing docks, boat ramps, and a 9-hole disc golf course.