Connerville, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for demographics in Connerville City, Ohio, you'll be pleased to know that the median age was 39.4 years. There were also nearly half a million people who were under the age of eighteen. Other demographics of note include the percentage of people of the black and hispanic races, as well as the number of people in their fifties and sixties. Lastly, there were 47 patent applications filed in this city from 2008 to 2022.

A population survey conducted in 2010 showed that Connersville is home to 13,481 people, or approximately 671 people per square mile. This number is expected to rise to 12,656 by 2020, according to the United States Census Bureau. The city was established 209 years ago, in 1812.