Cookson, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How to find the population and steets of Cookson city? You will need to use a crime map. This map will show you the amount of crimes per 1,000 Cookson city residents, compared to how many crimes occur in the same area during a given year. You will find that the crime rate in Cookson is similar to the national average. However, you will find that the area around the Cookson City airport is less safe.

Zip code 74427 is located in the city of COOKSON, Oklahoma. The city is located in Cherokee County. The area code for 74427 is 918. The ZIP code is classified as a Lower Middle Class zip code in Oklahoma. It is part of Cherokee County and is home to about 11,000 people. Those who live in Cookson city are mainly farmers and ranchers, and many are middle-aged professionals.

The population of Cookson city is quite diverse. Its per capita income is $25,221, which is middle-class compared to the rest of the US. This would be around $100,884 if you have a family of four. Cookson is highly ethnically diverse. A large majority of the population reports being White or Native American, while some are Irish, German, and Scottish. The language spoken in Cookson is English, though some residents also speak Native American and Italian.