Corn, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2017, the median household income in Corn, OK was $52,969. This was significantly less than the Oklahoma median of $65,712 and was lower than its parent and neighboring geographies. Corn, OK's median household income is also lower than the national average of $52,586. Listed below are the median incomes for Corn, OK and its neighboring geographies. This data is not yet considered representative of the whole community, as there are many factors that contribute to income inequality in Corn.

The population of Corn, OK is composed of 552 White (non-Hispanic), 35 Two+ (non-Hispanic), and 31 White (Hispanic) residents. The town has a low foreign-born population, with 4.68% of the population being foreign-born. Also, there are a large number of military personnel who served in the Vietnam War. Despite its relatively small size, Corn, OK has a large number of military-affiliated residents.