Devol, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking at the population of a city, you'll often see the numbers compared to the number of people in other cities. However, a city's population can sometimes indicate its economic situation. Devol has a very low poverty rate for a city of its size, as the town's population is only 148. Even so, Devol's overall livability score is above the national average. In order to get a livability score, a city's overall data are weighted according to many factors. Education, crime, cost of living, and overall happiness of residents are considered.

The population of Devol, OK is made up of several ethnic groups, with approximately 15% of the population being Hispanic. The remaining population is made up of mostly Whites, with only a few people of other races. In terms of race, there are 86 White (non-Hispanic) residents. The city has a population of five black or African-American residents. While the city has a low percentage of Hispanics, it does have a low percentage of people who do not speak English.

The median property value in Devol, OK is $65,700, which is 0.27 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership rate in Devol, OK is 70 percent, which is higher than the national average. In terms of working, Devol residents have a daily commute of 23.5 minutes. They own one vehicle per household. The median home value is $65,700, while the median rent is $65,700.