The population and steets of Goldsby, OK are shown below. The data is categorized by race, gender, and age. Goldsby has approximately 2,100 people, and 49.7% of the population is male, making it one of the largest minority areas in the nation. The most common occupations are Educational Services, Construction, and Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services. The most common occupations in Goldsby are listed below.
As of 2010, there were 104,237 housing units. This figure includes both owner-occupied and renter-occupied units. The proportion of renter-occupied housing units was 13.5%, lower than the year before. However, neighboring cities like Piedmont and Bradley have much lower percentages of renter-occupied units. The city had 94 renter-occupied households in 2010.
The crime map in Goldsby City displays the number of crimes per 1,000 people. This graph shows that crime occurs more frequently in the northwest part of the city, where there are fewer people. However, the map does not necessarily reflect the danger that a neighborhood poses to its residents. While red areas in this map are generally higher than those in neighboring areas, this does not necessarily mean they're safer for Goldsby residents.
The median home value in Goldsby City, OK is $240,100, which is 0.998 times lower than the national average. The homeownership rate is 89.8%, and most people drive alone to work. The median car ownership in Goldsby is two cars per household. The median age of Goldsby residents is approximately 21 years old. The population of Goldsby, OK is about 2.1k.