Gracemont, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering what the population and sateets of Gracemont City, OK look like, you're not alone. In Oklahoma, the median household income is $65,712, but in Gracemont, it's only $28,750. Compared to the rest of the country, this is low - in fact, the average household income is $79,386 - which is below the state and national averages.

The median property value in Gracemont, OK was $55,700 in 2019, and the homeownership rate was 66.1%. In 2019, residents of Gracemont, OK commuted 28.4 minutes to work and owned two cars, on average. Compared to the national average, Gracemont, OK has 237 residents. Only 1.69% of residents were born outside the United States. The median age was 23.5.

In 2019, 87.3% of Gracemont, OK workers drove alone to work. Five percent of residents worked from home. The chart shows how many households use each mode of transportation over time. The graph uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to show the variations in smaller modes of transportation. Gracemont, OK households are distributed according to the car ownership bucket. The highest share of households owns two cars, followed by one.