Hodgen, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be interested in finding out the Population & Steets in Ho dgen City. These statistics can help you determine if the city is a good place to move to. If you aren't sure where to move, we've made this table easy to understand. Just scroll down to find out how many people live in Hodgen and how many work in the area.

When planning a billboard ad campaign in Hodgen, Oklahoma, you'll want to be sure to consider the economy and the demographics of the community. While Hodgen has a relatively small population, it is home to approximately 229 households and a median housing value of $68,182. The median household size is 2.67 people and the percentage of home ownership is 6.90 percent.

The town is located in central LaRue County, Oklahoma. Its post office was established on April 25, 1910, and it was named after railroad official James M. Hodgens. It is 12 miles southeast of Elizabethtown and is accessible via Kentucky Route 61. The town is located right off of U.S. Route 31E, which leads northeast 24 miles to Bardstown and south 43 miles to Glasgow.