The census reports the following information about Kinta, OK: the number of residents, the percent of poverty, and the number of people with different racial and ethnic backgrounds. The most common racial or ethnic groups in Kinta are White, followed by Two Or More and Black. In addition, 100% of Kinta, OK residents are US citizens, which is much higher than the national average of 93.4%, and has been holding steady over the years. Interestingly, there is a large military presence in Kinta, OK, as well as a number of military personnel who are from Vietnam.
Kinta City is located in Haskell County, Oklahoma. As of the 2010 census, the town's population was 297. This was an increase of 22.2 percent over the 2000 census. Moreover, Kinta is home to two elementary schools and a high school. It has a population density of 179 people per square mile, which is higher than the national average. Residents of Kinta enjoy a relatively low cost of living compared to other areas of the state.
In addition to population and steets, Kinta's crime map displays the average crime rate per resident in the area. The crime rate in Kinta varies throughout the day, but it is consistently higher around parks and major airports. Consequently, the crime rate in these areas can seem higher than it actually is, because crime is where people are. Therefore, it is vital to know the average crime rate for Kinta.