Lookeba, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for the Population & Steets in Lookbeba City? This article will give you the facts. The population of Lookeba City, OK is around 162 people, and the median home value is $52,300. Home appreciation has been 3.7% in Lookeba over the past decade. With a population of that size, this is a good place to live for the long term.

In 1901, Lookeba was a small hamlet located near the Sugar Creek. The town was founded by a pioneer named H.N. Christian, who was later elected to local office. The cotton crop was so successful that a Farmers Gin and Nickell & Allen Gin were established. The Methodist Church was not completed until 1906, but church services were held in Lookeba since 1901. The Baptist Church was the first congregation, and the Methodist Church was the second.

Among the residents of Lookeba, 12.1% were Hispanic and 14.7% were White. The median household income is $37,917, and the area's unemployment rate is 4.6%. Sixty-four percent of residents have a high school education, and 16.1% of those with a bachelor's degree or higher have jobs in the local, state, or federal government.

The median house value was $25,000, and the percentage of black and hispanic residents was significantly below the state average. The median age was thirty-five, and the proportion of adults with a bachelor's degree was 15.4%. The median household size is 2.91. With a population that large, this is a good place to live for a growing family. There's no reason why you shouldn't live in Lookeba City.