Mccurtain, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information about the demographics of McCurtain City, OK, you've come to the right place. We've compiled information from public sources to give you an idea of how many people live in this city. You'll learn about the median household income and how much it costs to live there. You can also see how the median home value has changed over the last ten years.

McCurtain County, OK, is located in northeast Oklahoma. McCurtain City is the county seat of the county. This city has a population of 2,153. It's located in the heart of the Oklahoma panhandle, which means that it's relatively close to other major cities. If you live in McCurtain City, you can easily find flights to nearby cities.

McCurtain, OK is home to about 409 residents. The median age of these residents is 32.8. The median household income is $32,250, which is up from $30,938 in 2010. The city's ethnicity is White (non-Hispanic), Two+ (Hispanic), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic). The racial makeup of the population is largely White, with a small percentage of Native Americans. The county's population density is 5.38% higher than the national average, with twenty-two Hispanics.

The majority of the population in McCurtain, OK is white. This proportion represents the nation's highest percentile for native-born people. Meanwhile, the proportion of foreign-born residents is lower than the national average. The city is home to a large number of military personnel, including Vietnam veterans. The local population also boasts a large African community. While McCurtain isn't large in size, it is still home to many people.