Midwest City, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For those interested in the population and statistics of Midwest City, Oklahoma, the Census Bureau provides useful information. The city is part of the Oklahoma City metropolitan area, with a population of 54,371 as of the 2010 census. In terms of the composition of its population, the city's population is largely composed of Whites. However, there are a few different subsets of the population.

In the most recent census, the U.S. Census Bureau released demographic data for the city. The data is based on the final year of the series, so they are not necessarily comparable. Nonetheless, you can use this information to make educated decisions about your property. Once you know the general demographics of your community, you can make informed decisions about the value of your property. With accurate and reliable information, you'll feel confident about making the best decision for your family.

Most of the cities with high poverty impaction were not larger cities. The majority of them were older and smaller. Among the 18 cities in Table 1, eight had a population under two hundred thousand in 2000, while the other eight were smaller than 500,000. By comparison, Milwaukee and Philadelphia have a population of 1,517,550 and a population of 596,956, respectively. Hence, the Midwest and the Northeast cities are most affected by poverty and urban/suburban disparity.

A look at the cities in the Midwest reveals that life is slightly worse than average for the population. Almost every city in the Midwest was classified as "improving" from 1990 to 2000. More than half of them improved in poverty impaction. While the West and Northeast had a higher rate of improvement than the Midwest, the East and the Southeast had the lowest rates. This pattern continues throughout the Midwest.