If you're looking for population and steets data for Millerton, New York, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find information about the city's residents and jobs, as well as the types of transportation people use to get to and from work. This data is based on the most recent American Community Survey, which is updated annually. However, it is not guaranteed to be completely accurate, so be sure to check other sources of information to confirm these figures.
If you're looking for information about local communities, a list of nearby towns can help you plan your trip and explore the town. The list includes information on local businesses, government buildings, and schools. You can also find a list of local government offices in Millerton, NY. Once you know where they are, you can visit them to find out more about the area. The list also contains information on their hours of operation, so you can find out more about what life is like around this community.
In Millerton, NY, the median annual household income is $64,600. This is less than the national average of $65,712 - and is also significantly less than the average of $54,375. Millerton, NY's median household income is also lower than that of neighboring geographies and parent cities. There are 576 people living in Millerton, and the city is home to several industries. The largest industries in Millerton, NY include Retail Trade, Accommodation & Food Services, and Public Administration. The highest paying industries in Millerton, NY are Real Estate & Rental & Leasing, and Construction and Development.