Newalla, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for a place to live, you may want to find out more about the Population & Steets in Newalla City. This article contains data about crime rates, population, and other vital statistics. It may surprise you to know that Newalla has a very low crime rate compared to other parts of the state. The crime rate in the central part of the city is higher than in other parts, and many crimes occur in blocks with few residents.

The following map of Newalla shows the percentage of residents who are of a particular race. It also displays self-identified racial groups. The darker the color, the larger the racial majority. Other important information about Newalla's racial makeup is also provided, including diversity scores. The percentage of residents who identify themselves as Native American is higher than the national average, and the area is home to more people with Czech ancestry.

The population of Newalla City is around 260,000. The median home price in the city is around $260,000, and a home can be built on an acre. This makes the city a good choice for families. However, the high rate of home ownership suggests that the area is stable. Almost 96 percent of Newalla City homes and apartments are owner-occupied, a very high rate compared to other neighborhoods in the United States.