Are you looking for information on the Population & Steets in Oilthon City, Oklahoma? If so, you have come to the right place! Here is a quick look at the town's demographics and what you can expect to find on a typical day. The population of Oilton is approximately 2,000 people. However, you should keep in mind that the population is not necessarily the same as what you might expect to find in a census.
The population of Oilton City peaked in 1920, during the Oil Boom. However, the town's population fell and reached just 1,087 citizens in 1970. It then grew to 1,244 residents in 1980 and again to 1,060 in 1990. In 2000, the town's population was only a bit more than 1,000. The town had a school that served children from Pre-K through 12 years old, but a majority of the population commuted to Bristow, Sapulpa, and Sand Springs. The Markham School and Teacherage are two of the town's landmarks and are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
If you're considering a move to Oilton, you'll want to know whether the city has a low crime rate. While safety is important when choosing a place to live, you don't want to be constantly concerned about crime or violent incidents. If you're considering purchasing a home in Oilton, you should consider this first. The town's crime rate is lower than the national average, and you'll be more likely to find family-friendly activities.