Okeene, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population and steets information in Okeene City, OK, you've come to the right place. This article provides you with the latest statistics on the city's demographics. The population of Okeene City is approximately 1,16k people, and the median property value is $72,500. Okeene's homeownership rate is 74.6%, and its percentage of foreign-born residents is significantly higher than that of its parent and neighboring geographies.

The population of Okeene is comprised of a variety of ethnic groups, but the largest group of people are white. A median income of $39,000 is reported for this city. The median age is 31 years old, and the percentage of unmarried adults is about 22%. Okeene is home to three high schools and two middle schools, each with a variety of programs to help students.

The population of Okeene is fairly well-scattered. A quarter of the population is under the age of 18, while another quarter is under the age of 18. Twenty-four percent of households in Okeene are married, with the highest share of female householders being unmarried. The rest are non-families and families. Almost 90 percent of the population is insured, with the majority of residents on an employer-sponsored plan. The remainder are covered by Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance. One in eight Okeene residents is uninsured, with the average household size being 2.34.