Pocola, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Pocol City, Oklahoma? In Pocola, Oklahoma, the population is approximately 68,538. The average high school graduation rate is 76% and the total academic score is 33/55. Pocola is home to many families. In addition to the population, Pocola also has a small number of businesses and retail establishments. There is a moderate rate of unemployment in Pocola, OK.

The median income of residents in Pocola is $45,375. This is lower than the average income of $65,712 for people in the United States. In addition, Pocola's unemployment rate is 4.9%, and 14.4% of the population works for the federal, state, or local government. The median household income in Pocola, OK is $45,375. For other types of employment, visit the Pocola city website.

The per capita income in Pocola, OK is $21,998, which is middle-class compared to other cities in Oklahoma. It equates to about $87,992 for a family of four. Pocola has a mixture of rich and poor residents. In addition, Pocola is ethnically diverse. About 86 percent of residents are White, followed by Native Americans. Other important ancestry groups include English, German, and Irish.

Despite its relatively small size, Pocola has an economic foundation that supports many businesses. Currently, there are a number of businesses in the city that pay around $42,035 annually. Pocola's real estate market is on the rebound and offers many opportunities for buying. The work environment in Pocola is moderate, and the average commute time is 23 minutes. If you are looking for employment in Pocola, this is the city for you.