Porum, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the Population & Steets in Poram City, Oklahoma, you should start by knowing the city's basic facts. The city is home to 699 people, and has grown by 12.0% since 2020. A commute time to work in Porum City is about 31 minutes, and the median home price is $98,900. Home prices in Porum City have appreciated 12.7% over the last 10 years.

The town of Porum is located in Muskogee County, Oklahoma. At the time of its founding, it was located in the Indian Territory. The population of Porum is currently seven hundred and thirty three. The population has shrunk by 3.3% from the 2010 census, when it was seven hundred and twenty-seven residents. Porum is the county's fifth-most populous community.

The USPS uses the default name for this city, and it is referred to as PORUM. The population is estimated to reach 4,5,699 by 2020. Porum schools are located at 518 North in the city center. There are three elementary schools in Porum. Each of them has a different ZIP code. Porum residents can use this zip code when addressing mail. To find a school, visit the city's education page. This page will provide the name, address, and zip code of each school.