Shady Point, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Shady Point is 1,144, which is a diverse mix of races. Of that number, 1.1% of the residents are Black, 0.2% are Asian, 3.5% are Hispanic or Latino, and 0.2% are Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. Twenty-four percent of the city's population is white, while the remainder are of any race. Of those who do not identify with any one race, the largest percentage of residents are of mixed ancestry.

While the age ranges vary, men in Shady Point are on average 35 years old, while women are on average 36 years old. The full breakdown is available at To help you find out more about Shady Point's demographics, here are some details:

The population of Shady Point City is extremely diverse, with many residents reporting Native American, Irish, English, and German ancestry. As far as language is concerned, English is the most widely spoken language, while Spanish, Polish, and Italian are spoken by smaller groups of people. The city's ethnic makeup may be more varied than that of other nearby communities. So, you may want to know more about the population of Shady Point in order to make the most informed decision about moving there.

A ZIP code is usually a nine-digit code, and SHADY POINT is no exception. This number is also the city's postal address. In the US, it's usually written as SHADY POINT, OK, although some parts of the city are in Poteau, OK. The city's area code is 918, and it's a lower middle class zipcode.