Southard, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know how safe Southard is? Check out the following population and steets statistics. These figures are compiled using crime statistics from nearby cities. You'll see that Southard is less safe than most nearby communities when it comes to assault. The chart below compares crime rates in cities of comparable overall population. Although Southard is safe in terms of assault, it's not quite as safe as the state average.

The median household income in Southard is $0, while the median individual income is $0. Residents of Southard City are 100% high school graduates, with 0% pursuing a college degree. The remaining 1% are either unemployed or have an associate's degree. Those who do attend college are highly educated and come from diverse backgrounds. The city's home types include Single Family Homes and Condominiums.

The population in Southard City was 36,514 in 2015. Among these people, 35.1% were under the age of 18, while 48.3% were married. Among these households, 12.2% were headed by a woman without a husband. The average age was 38.7 years. There were 26% of children living alone, while 10.9% of the population was 65 years and older. However, the statistics are still quite promising.

The ZIP code for SOUTHARD, Oklahoma, is 73770. The ZIP code has one default name and five digit extension. You can search for a more detailed location by multiplying 5 with four. There are also a number of other census data sources that can help you find out where SOUTHARD is. Once you've done that, you'll have a better idea of the area's economic condition.