What are the current Population & Steets in Tixton City, Indiana? We've compiled some statistics to get you started. Check out the chart below for details. This chart displays how the population of each bucket lives by mode of transportation in Tipton City. It's a good way to gauge the affordability of housing in Tipton. The chart below also includes information on crime, cost of living, and the incidence of Coronavirus in each state.
The median age of residents in Tipton, Indiana, was 43.4 in 2019. The median age of citizens was 43 and for foreign-born residents, 44. As you can see, this city is growing. In 1845, there was a lack of healthcare and people used whiskey and quinine to treat miasma caused by the surrounding wetlands. In 1850, a physician, Isaac Parker, started a practice in Tipton. By 1854, a cholera epidemic hit the town.
With the help of the data available from this site, you can quickly and easily analyze the population density of any community. With this tool, you can find out the total population of any town within a certain radius. It is free to download the data, but remember that it has a fair usage policy. Downloads will expire after a certain period. With the results, you can export the data in CSV format or use it for further analysis. There are also several filters, including SE, SW, and NE, which allow you to easily filter the results. If you have a specific area, you can also enter custom values, or choose dropdown presets for the area.
There are many ways to determine the demographics of a city. Tipton has about 5,250 people living in the city. The median household income in Tipton is $39,099, and the poverty rate is 2.9%. If you're looking for a job, you can try looking at the job market statistics of Tipton. You can also check out the local school districts in Tipton City.