Vinita, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for information on the population and steets of a city, it helps to know some facts. Here are some interesting facts about Vinita City. Read on to learn more about this small Oklahoman city. Despite its small size, Vinita has a bustling population. The town is located northeast of Tulsa. The city was first settled in the 1870s. The city has a well-known high school, a full four-year course, and good grade schools. There are approximately 36 teachers employed in the city. The city has a normal training department for young teachers. All classes above fifth grade are taught under a departmental system. Parents are encouraged to work with teachers and the school district through a parent teachers' association.

Residents of Vinita City earn a median income of $37,083, which is lower than the US average. There are many businesses in Vinita, but only a small percentage of residents work in them. Most people commute by vehicle. A majority of Vinita residents arrive at work in less than half an hour. However, a slightly smaller percentage of the population uses public transportation.

The population of Vinita, OK is diverse. The largest racial and ethnic groups are white. About twenty percent of residents are American Indian. The second-largest racial group is Two-or-more races. The racial breakdown includes 3.8% black people and 1.4% Hispanic people. Despite the diversity of the city's population, 98.5% of residents are U.S. citizens. The median household income is $35986 per year.