Watonga, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets in Watonga City, Oklahoma, you've come to the right place. Located in the state of Oklahoma, this city is home to a population of 4,658, as of the 2000 census. Located on the former Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation, this city was founded on lands that were made available for white settlers in the Land Run of 1892. Watonga was named after Arapaho chief Watonga, meaning "Black Coyote."

The median household income in Watonga is $27,208, and the median household income is $31,391. Males' median income was $23,056 while females' median was $16,146. The city has a lower than average number of people living below the federal poverty level, and its percentage of low-income households is significantly lower than the national average. This graph shows the number of households using different modes of transportation throughout Watonga, OK over time.

According to the latest census data, the population of Watonga, OK is 2,842 people, making it the sixth most populated city in the state. With a population density of 695 people per square mile, the city has a high proportion of single-person households. This means that there are fewer single-parent households than in most other parts of the state. A low percentage of households own a car, but there are still several ways to save money and live comfortably.

The median age for residents of Watonga, OK was 42, and was the same for both native-born and foreign-born citizens. The city also has a population of veterans. There are 102 Vietnam veterans in Watonga, and 109.8 percent of its population is Hispanic. And there are also many Vietnam veterans living in the area. And the area has a low percentage of residents who were born in the United States.