The following information will help you understand the demographics of Watts City. There are nearly 42,000 residents in this area, and 48.6% of them are Hispanic. Hispanics can be any race and the percentages for both groups are among the highest in Los Angeles. The table below shows the demographics of the city. You can use these statistics to see how Watts compares to the rest of Los Angeles.
In 2000, the census reported that 2,816 households were headed by a single parent, and that 38.9% of Watts households were headed by a single parent. Another shocking fact: Watts had the highest percentage of never-married men and women. Watts was also home to 739 military veterans, which was only 3.6% of the population. The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation also operate programs in the neighborhood.
As the 1920s wore on, Watts City's population shifted from primarily African American residents to other, more disadvantaged demographics. By the late 1970s, the black population in Watts had been replaced by Hispanic immigrants, and by the 1980s, it was a minority neighborhood. However, after the 1992 riots, the demographics of Watts City changed dramatically.
Residents of Watts City have begun a strategy to combat the area's reputation as a crime-ridden neighborhood. The city is also home to the sculptural Watts Towers, which has attracted numerous artists to the area. There are several other neighborhoods in Los Angeles that have a higher concentration of convicted felons. The singer Tyre Gibson even charted a foundation to establish a community center in the area.