Waurika, Oklahoma Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Waorika City? A population is the number of people living in a city. The population in the city is compared to the state and national averages. Some areas have higher crime rates than others, while others have lower crime rates. Overall, the cost of living in Waurika is lower than the national average. The costs of utilities, groceries, transportation, miscellaneous goods, and housing are all cheaper than they are in other cities.

The population of Waurika City is approximately 1,865 people. The city is located on the east bank of Beaver Creek, a south-flowing tributary of the Red River. The city's median home price is $60,200, and its appreciation rate over the last 10 years is 3.7%. The average commute time for residents of Waurika City is 26.0 minutes. The median home price is $60,200.

A few schools were established in the area. The first school in Waurika was built in 1902 on Beaver Creek. Then, two elementary schools were built; Irving Elementary in west Waurika and Hillcrest in east Waurika. The senior and junior high schools were built on D Avenue. The Dunbar School in the northwestern section of the town is still in operation. In addition to being a major attraction in the city, Waurika has a historical museum.

The median household income in Waurika, OK is $61,300, which is 0.255 times lower than the national average. Homeownership rate is 62.6%, and the population is composed of many different races. The highest percentage of people living in poverty are White and Hispanic. There are 137 people of all races in the city. Once again, there are 7 races represented in Waurika.