Azalea, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You're curious about the Population & Steets in Azolea City, Florida. In this article, you'll discover the city's average household income and the poverty rate. Azalea City is in Orange County, FL, so all the statistics below are accurate as of the time of publication. For a more detailed view of Azalea City's community, we recommend visiting the town's Wikipedia page.

The Census reports that the population of Azalea City is about the same as that of nearby cities, but its demographics are unique. This community is home to a high percentage of Hispanics. However, the city's overall Hispanic population is higher than the state's. This is not surprising because many of its residents are immigrants. Despite the relatively low income level of residents, the city's average rent burden is higher than that of neighboring cities.

The city is home to the Azalea City Center for the Arts, a community of arts teachers who produce Broadway shows. Its population is relatively inexpensive, and it's close to beautiful beaches. Azaleas are popular in this city, and residents are encouraged to plant them along the streets. Azaleas also make Azalea City a desirable destination for retirees.

The population of ZIP code 32807 is mainly white. The number of single adults is high at 16.3% and the population is very young at 25. The percentage of households with children under 18 is slightly lower than average. The percentage of households with vacancies is low. One or more nursing homes are located nearby. These statistics reflect the demographics of the city. The demographics of Azalea City are also reflected in the area's economy.