Baker City, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article provides a quick summary of the Population & Steets in Baker County, Oregon. In the section below, you will find additional information about Baker City. For example, if you are a first-time home buyer, you should check the local school districts, and the population of people of Japanese descent. In addition, you can learn about the ethnic makeup of the city and its history.

Aside from the local school district, the city is home to a National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, or "Oregon Trail Regional Museum." Housed in a 1920s natatorium, the museum features exhibits about the region's history, including mining, ranching, early life, and Chinese culture. One of the largest artifacts in the museum is the Leo Adler House Museum, once the home of the former County's mayor. The home was donated to the county by its late owner, Leo Adler, who donated millions of dollars to its development.

In 2019, the median age of all Baker City, Oregon residents was 43.4. This included both native-born residents and immigrants. The average age of residents in Baker City, OR was 42. The most common foreign-born birthplace was Mexico, which had 141,075 residents. Other foreign-born countries that had significant numbers in Baker City were China, Vietnam, and India, which each accounted for around 22,000 residents of Baker City.