Bates, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Bates City, Missouri, the population is composed of a wide variety of ethnic groups. The largest racial groups are White, followed by Black and Native American. The majority of people who live below the poverty line work in the Sales and Related Occupations sector, and 50.0% have at least a high school diploma. There are a variety of reasons why people live below the poverty line, and the following are just a few examples.

The median property value in Bates City, MO was $120,800 in 2019, which was 0.502 times smaller than the national average. Likewise, the homeownership rate in Bates City is 74.4%, which is higher than the national average. Bates City residents commute for an average of 31.8 minutes each way, and the majority drive alone. Additionally, people in Bates City, MO have the same average number of cars per household as the rest of the country.

The median age in Bates City was 39.6 years. There were also 92 households with children. The number of households with children was 14.7%, while the number of households with adult females was 18.9%. The number of households with senior citizens was 3.3%. The median household size was 2.66 people and a family size of 2.91. This number indicates that Bates City is an ideal place for families to raise children.