Canyon City, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in the Population & Steets in Canyon, Oregon? If so, you've come to the right place! Here is a quick overview of Canyon City's demographics. The population of Canyon City is about 801 people, with a median household income of $36,528. You can also get detailed information on housing affordability in the area by learning more about Canyon City's rent burden.

The county has an average of 17141 people. The population density is 1,312.1 people per square mile, making it one of the fastest growing cities in the region. Canyon City's demographics are diverse, with 95.4% White residents, 1.5% from two or more races, and 10.2% Hispanics. The city's median house value and unemployed population both fall below state averages. The number of college students is below state average, too, with only a little more than half the population in the college age bracket.

In addition to residential and business locations, residents of Canyon City can find nearby parks, hiking trails, and golf courses. For those interested in learning more about the neighborhood's schools, the city's museum page provides detailed information, including the name, address, and ZIP code. The CANON CITY ZIP code also includes a list of all schools in the area, along with their address. You can also learn more about the public schools and find out more about the schools in the area.

As a home rule municipality, Canon City is the county seat and the largest city in Fremont County. With a population of 17,141, it is a popular tourist destination. The city is home to numerous public parks, fossil discoveries, and extensive hiking trails. You can even learn more about the history of Canon City by visiting its historical site. If you visit Canyon City, be sure to check out the other towns and cities nearby to learn more about the area.