Canyonville, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Canyonvill City, Oregon? The City of Canyonville has 1,413 voting age residents. Among them, 53.4% are male and 46.6% are female. Twenty-four percent of the Canyonville population is 65 years of age or older. The City of Canyonville's demographics reflect that 89.6% of its population is white. Of the remaining civilians, 7.1% are Hispanic, 1.2% are Asian, and 0.6% are American Indian.

This is a map of Canyonville, Oregon, which includes the city's ZIP Code. It's located in Douglas County, Oregon, and is largely in the Eugene metro area. The official USPS code for this zip code is CANYONVILLE, OR. The city is governed by the Canyonville city government. The area code is 541. As a result, residents of Canyonville are classified in the Lower Middle Class income level. The unemployment rate is 3.8%, higher than the Oregon State and County averages but lower than the national average.

Listed below are the local towns surrounding Canyonville. These are a good place to explore the area. Try out a coffee shop in the morning or grab some weekend brunch at Burger King or SUBWAY. The Canyonville area is also home to many excellent restaurants and grocery stores. You can find everything you need, from sandwiches and burgers to homemade cookies and ice cream. The local population of Canyonville, OR is small, but there are plenty of options for dining in the city.