Culp Creek, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To find out more about the people of Culp Creek, you should first check the school enrollment statistics. These statistics will help you make important decisions for the environment of your children as well as the job market for the area. Culp Creek has an overall school enrollment of 90,503. In 2014, the population of kindergarten through high school was 4059, and there were 30,646 college students.

Culp Creek City is home to 138,946 residents. Of these, 130,453 are occupied and eight percent are vacant. The median age of males in Culp Creek is 42.5 years old. Females made up 12 percent of the population. Twenty-one and thirty-five year-olds make up the remaining population. Single-family attached homes are also known as town homes or row houses. Apartments, which typically contain two to 50 units, are also prevalent in Culp Creek.

Crime rates in Culp Creek City are lower than in nearby communities. Robbery crimes are notably lower than in surrounding cities. The city ranks in the 70th percentile when it comes to crime. This means that Culp Creek is safer than most cities in the country and the state of Oregon. The robbery rate here is 0.17 per 1,000 residents in a standard year.

The black population made up about 67% of the population in 2010, while the number of non-Hispanic white residents has decreased from 4,345 to 3,401 over the past decade. While the overall white population decreased by 9.3 percent, the non-Hispanic white population increased by 2,538, or nearly half as much. Despite the decline in non-Hispanic white residents, the neighborhood still remains a desirable community to live in.