Drewsey, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Drewsey City, Oregon is located in Oregon. Below is a list of nearby cities. These cities are big enough to book flights from, but not so big that you can't easily travel there on foot. For instance, if you plan on visiting Drewsey but want to know how to get there in four hours, you should check out these nearby cities. This list includes big cities and smaller towns.

Drewsey City has a population of about 2,538. The city is about a quarter the size of Oregon. Its population is comprised of 5.3% of middle-class households. The median household income is $37,836. In addition, the city has a low poverty rate, which is a common factor when looking at the overall quality of a community.

The population density in Drewsey CCD is 30%, which is a lower percentage than the state and national averages. This makes Drewsey one of the smallest cities in the surrounding area. Its population density is also lower than the surrounding towns. For instance, Burns has a higher population density than Drewsey, while Crane has a lower average per square mile.

The city has an average age of 50.3 years, making it one of the older cities in the area. Its median age is the third highest in the region, behind only Seneca with a median age of 60.0 years. The city also has a lower percentage of women who are 50 years or older.