Estacada, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Estocada, OR is a useful tool if you are considering making a trip to this area. The map below shows a list of cities and towns that are within 23 miles of Estacada City. These cities have a variety of services, so it is recommended that you check out the ones closest to Estacada before you plan a vacation.

The population of Estacada is about one eighth as large as the whole of Oregon. As of the 2010 census, the city has a population of 4,266. The racial makeup of the city is white, with about 96.1% of residents being white. There are also 0.8% of people who identify themselves as Asian or American Indian, and two percent of the population is Hispanic. The income of Estacada residents is around $7,500, a level that is below the national average. The overall poverty level is about 7.0%. Children and their families are also at risk for poverty, with 6.3% of the population living below the poverty level.

The city of Estacada is a pleasant place to live, and its population is on par with that of other cities in the region. It has a lower population density than many other cities, with Happy Valley and Johnson City having higher population densities. For this reason, people choose to live in the city because it offers a relaxed atmosphere and a lot of amenities. However, this doesn't mean that people living in Estacada don't have to sacrifice their quality of life.