Gilchrist, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in GilChrist City? Gilchrist City is a small town surrounded by state and national forests. The county seat is Gilchrist, Texas. It is home to approximately 2,400 residents. The population of Gilchrist is based on re-based data from the U.S. Census Bureau. For more recent figures, see the U.S. Census Bureau's Gilchrist city page.

The early settlement of Gilchrist was an isolated, family fiefdom. The community was governed by Frank R. Gilchrist, who oversaw employee behavior and regulated lawn-care practices. He was also a car enthusiast and drove his Cadillac like a pickup truck. He rolled one of his cars into a ditch - an accident that still bears his name. But the community never resented Frank R. Gilchrist, and his reputation remained intact.

The Gilchrist Brown town is a ring of two parallel residential streets. At its center is a shopping complex, which contains a grocery store, barber shop, beauty parlor, post office, and bowling alley. Nearby is a motion picture theater, built for the New Deal Public Works Administration project. The town's houses are painted brown every five years. The shopping complex is a remodeled and painted brown to blend in with the community.

Although the Gilchrist Timber Company owns the mill, it is no longer a local government. Crown Pacific Partners purchased the mill in 1991. In the early 2000s, the company laid off its workers. In 1997, the houses were sold to occupants, and in 1998 the mill was modified to handle smaller dimension logs. Crown Pacific Partners went bankrupt in 2003 and Interfor Pacific Partners purchased the company in 2006.