Idleyld Park, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to learn more about the Population & Steets in Irwin Park City? You can learn more by reading this article. It explains what to look for in the city and the surrounding area. This information is also useful for a road trip. In Idleyld Park, Oregon, there are several towns worth visiting. Check out the list below to find out where you can spend your next vacation.

In Idleyld Park, the population is approximately 485 people. The median age is 28 years, and the majority of residents are US citizens. Only 3.3% of residents are foreign-born. The median home value is $165,500. The median household income is $53,090. And there are a lot of families in the city, so you can find many things to do with your free time.

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates the population of Park City at 8,299 full-time residents. This number is higher than the state and national averages, which are both approximately the same. Therefore, if you plan to move to Idleyld Park City, be sure to know the current population demographics. If you're considering living in Park City, you might want to consider hiring a family therapist.