Joseph, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Getting a sense of the neighborhood can be as easy as reviewing the population and steets of a new city. For example, Joseph City has a 72% owner-occupied population and an average household size of 3.4 people. While the quality of life varies by individual, some buyers enjoy the convenience of walking to work or school, while others are more comfortable surrounded by nature. In either case, demographics can help you determine the type of neighborhood that is best for you.

In 2019, the median property value in Joseph City, AZ was $142,200. This was nearly 0.591 times smaller than the national average. Joseph City's median household income was $64,963 in 2019, up from $125,800 in 2018. The percentage of homeowners in Joseph City, AZ was 72.3%, which is slightly higher than the national average. While the majority of people live in a home, a third commute to work each day by car. In fact, the median household car ownership in Joseph City is the same as the national average, at two cars per household.

While the location is vitally important, the quality of a neighborhood also depends on its proximity to amenities. For example, high walk scores in Joseph City indicate the presence of local restaurants and other amenities. If you're looking for a place to eat and shop, consider the proximity to restaurants, grocery stores, and the Route 66 stop LLC. You'll be happier in your new home if you can reach these amenities within walking distance.