Langlois, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the population and steets of Langlois City, Oregon? Using the census data, you can find out! The population in Langlois is older than the U.S. average - at 53.8 years, the median age in Langlois is 15.9 years older than the national average. In Langlois, 7.90% of residents are 65 years of age or older - much higher than the U.S. average of 15.2%.

If you want to live in a neighborhood with a neighborly feel, you may want to look at the population and steets of Langlois. The population is 88% owner-occupied, and households average 1.5 people. The quality of life in Langlois is highly subjective, and some home buyers prefer walking or cycling cities, while others would rather be in a quiet neighborhood with lots of open space.

The median property value in Langlois, Oregon was N/A in N/A. The median household income in Langlois was N/A in N/A. The homeownership rate was 70.5%, higher than the national average. Residents of Langlois, OR drive to work on average for 25.5 minutes. Most people commute alone. Car ownership in Langlois, OR is much higher than the national average, with the average household owning three vehicles.