Lostine, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Lostine, Oregon has a total population of 327 people. The median age is 48.1 years and the median household income is $64,375. The ethnic diversity in Lostine, OR is a mix of people from different countries, but the majority are United States citizens. The most common racial or ethnic group is White (Non-Hispanic). Those who identify as Hispanic or American Indian & Alaska Native (Hispanic) make up 1.22% of the population.

Lostine's poverty rate is less than the national average. Only 3.7 percent of Lostine residents live below the poverty level. That's below the state and national poverty level, where 14.1% of the population lives below the poverty line. However, this percentage has increased slightly since 2000.

Lostine is a city in Wallowa County, Oregon. The median property value was $116,700 at the 2010 census. The city's homeownership rate was 87.4%, which means that the majority of its residents are U.S. citizens. Its median property value was $116,700 in 2020, and the median home value was $116,700. The median age of people in Lostine is 44.5 years old, and the average car ownership rate was two cars per household.

The median income of the Lostine community is $64,375. This is lower than the national average of $64,994. There are also a number of different income levels in Lostine.