Mount Angel, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the latest population and steets information in Mount Angel City, Oregon, you've come to the right place. Below you'll find the population, along with details about the city's schools, parks, and public services. You can also learn more about the community's ethnic makeup. In Mount Angel, residents are predominantly American. Approximately 3650 people live in Mount Angel.

In 2016, Mount Angel had a population of 6,79 people and 663 households. The same percentage lived in Sheridan, which has 707 people and Wood Village, which has 576 residents. The birth rate was 0.5%, and the area was home to seven evictions. Despite the low birth rate, Mount Angel still has a higher birth rate than the surrounding cities. However, there are still many reasons for evictions to occur in Mount Angel.

The number of citizens residing in Mount Angel is relatively small compared to other cities in the region. The city's population density is just 2.6 people per square mile, putting it in the middle of other larger cities in the region. Only Gervais and Woodburn have higher population densities than Mount Angel. So, Mount Angel is an ideal place to settle in if you're looking for a more rural setting.

In Mount Angel City, the population is 9.2% larger than that of Oregon. In addition, there are 7.5% of government employees, while only 13.5% of the population was born in Mount Angel. The median monthly rent is $801, and more than 70% of households have access to high-speed broadband internet. The average home price in Mount Angel is $681 a month. In Mount Angel, OR, the median household income is $801.