Mount Hood Parkdale, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Mount Hood Parkdale City, Oregon, about 1,115 people live. Of that number, 56.1% are men and 43.9% are women. The average male-to-female ratio in Oregon is 49.5% and the national average is 49.2%. You can also find people of two races in Mount Hood Parkdale, Oregon. If you're interested in finding out more about the city's demographics, visit Radaris.

The crime rate in Mount Hood-Parkdale is fairly low compared to other cities in Oregon. There are approximately 28 crimes committed per 100,000 residents, so Mount Hood-Parkdale has a low crime rate. The crime rate map also shows areas where people are at high risk, such as parks and major airports. This doesn't mean the crime rate is higher in those areas, though, as crime happens where people are, whether they're on a walk to the grocery store or in a bar.

Listed below are the population and steets in Mount Hood Parkdale, Oregon. The city's ZIP code is 97041, and includes portions of Hood River County. While some portions of the city's zip code are outside of city limits, the rest of the zip code is located within the city. It's also part of the 971, 541, and 503 area codes, and can be classified as a Lower Middle Class community in comparison to other Oregon cities.

The population of Mount Hood Parkdale City is 20,411 people, which is a high number compared to Oregon and nearby cities. However, money is not everything in 97041, and it's not uncommon for people to live in a state of low economic growth. If you're thinking of moving to Mount Hood Parkdale City, don't miss out on the information below.