Sutherlin, Oregon Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and steets of Sutherlin City? Listed below are the latest statistics on the population and crime rates of the Sutherlin City. These statistics are based on the U.S. Census Bureau definitions of urbanized areas every ten years. Although these statistics may not be indicative of actual crime rates in Sutherlin, they can give an idea of the general area's safety.

Sutherlin's median property value is $162,700, which is 0.677 times smaller than the national average. It rose from $149,600 in 2013 to $162,700 in 2019 - an increase of 8.76%. The median homeownership rate in Sutherlin is 67.1%, a higher rate than that of the national average. There are nearly 9 out of 10 residents with a high school diploma or GED, and about 16.4% have a bachelor's degree. The median number of cars per household is two.

The population of Sutherlin is about the same as the state average. There are six Councilors and an elected Mayor. This council is elected by the citizens of Sutherlin City. The Sutherlin Municipal Code is updated through Ordinance 1082. Residents should contact the city's Municipal Court for more information on city government and local government. They also need to know their city's median house value, which is slightly below the state average.

The City of Sutherlin is located in Douglas County, Oregon. According to the 2010 census, the population of Sutherlin was 7,810, making it the second largest city in the county. It is located off of Interstate 5 and near the Cooper Creek Reservoir and the Umpqua River. The city has a typical Mediterranean climate for western Oregon - dry summers and cold winters.